Integrated Financial Pension Management System
Finance Department, Government of Rajasthan


ऑनलाइन सिविल पेंशनर मेडिकल डायरी सेवाएं ( Online Civil Pensioner Medical Diary Services )



  1. Uploaded Format should be in ".jpg" format & it's size should be upto 2 MB.
  2. Objection raised Treasury Officer must be compliance & re-uploaded the corrected documents.
  3. All the uploaded Document's must be Self Attested with Date.
  4. In Case of Indoor, If NAC Bill amount is enetered, then he/she should upload NAC Bills.
  5. A Copy of manual Life Certificate must be uploaded, if you haven't submitted online life certificate for current F.Y.
  6. Temperory save button will not forward your Request to the Treasury Officer, click on Final Submit button to the Treasury Officer.
  7. Online Request must be submitted with in 15 days to the concerned Treasury Officer.
  8. Action performed by Treasury Officer will be viewable to the pensioner.
  9. This service is available for Civil Pensioners' on their user credentials based on User Name (Original PPO No.) & Password (Pensioners' DOB/DOR/DOE).
Mandatory Docs'
Optional Docs'

S No. Uploaded Documents by Pensioners' Medical Diary Services Limit Enhance Services Indoor(Special treatment) Services
1 Diary first page copy
2 Diary Last Filled Page Copy
3 Diary Last Consumed Page Copy
4 Life certificate
5 Essential Certificate
6 Death Certificate
7 Doctor recommandation form
8 N.A.C. Bills (if applicable)
9 Bills Copy
10 Discharge Ticket Copy
11 Is admitted as indoor
12 Other Docs (Optional)
I acknowledge and agree that I will be solely responsible for any discrepancy or dispute found during the processing in my submitted online application by Treasury Officer.
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