Entry by Employee

English   हिंदी  

Details Of Family (See FORM 3 and Rule 74)

Definition ‘Family’ for the purpose of these rules shall include the following relations of the Government servant :-
  • Wife, in the case of a male Government servant and husband, in the case of female Government servant.
  • A judicially separated wife or husband, such separation not being granted on the ground of adultery.
  • Unmarried son till her attains the age of 25 years or earning a monthly income exceeding Rs 9500/- per month, whichever is earlier.
  • Unmarried daughter upto the date of her marriage or earning a monthly income exceeding Rs.9500/- per month, whichever is earlier.
  • Widowed/divorced daughter of any age upto the date of her remarriage or till the date she starts earning a monthly income exceeding Rs.9500/- per month whichever is earlier.
  • Parents who were wholly dependent upon the Government servant when he/she was alive provided the deceased employee had left behind neither a window nor a child and the income of parent is not more than Rs.9500/- per month.
Sr.No. Name of family member Date Of Birth Sex Relation Married Disorder/Disable Address Action
{{$index+1}} {{x.E_Title}} {{x.Eng_Name}}
{{x.ShwGender}} {{getFullRelation(x.Relation)}} {{getMarital(x.Marital)}} {{x.ShwHandicap}} {{x.NAddress}}

Nomination under Rule 4 of the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1996 (See FORM A)

Help for pension Arrear & Gratuity (A)Pension Arrear Nomination of share to the extent for admissible Pension Arrear to the family / non family member by the government servant in the event of his/ her death while in service or before receiving 1st Payment.
Alternative nominee for payment of Pension Arrear Nomination of share to the pension to whom receipt conferred on the nominee shall pass in the event of the nominee pre-deceasing before receiving of 1st Payment by government servant
(B) Gratuity/Death Gratuity Nomination of Gratuity / Death Gratuity share to the extent for admissible retirement gratuity / death gratuity to the family / non family member (s) by the government sevant in the event of his/her death while in service or before receiving payment of gratuity.
Alternative nominee (s) for gratuity / death gratuity – Nomination of share to the person (s), to whom right conferred on the nominee shall pass in the event of the nominee pre-deceasing the government servant or the nominee dying after the death of the government servant but before receiving payment of gratuity.

Sr.No. Name of family member Date Of Birth Sex Relation Married Handicap Pension Arrear Alternate Nominee Share Address Contingency on happening of which nomination shall become invalid. Action
{{$index+1}} {{x.E_Title}} {{x.Eng_Name}}
{{x.ShwGender}} {{x.ShowRelation}} {{getMarital(x.Marital)}} {{x.ShwHandicap}} {{x.PNomineeShare}} {{x.LTANomineeShare}} {{x.NAddress}} Any Other {{x.Remarks}}

Nomination for Retirement Gratuity/Death Gratuity (See FORM 1 and Rule 59 (1))

Help for pension Arrear & Gratuity (A)Pension Arrear Nomination of share to the extent for admissible Pension Arrear to the family / non family member by the government servant in the event of his/ her death while in service or before receiving 1st Payment.
Alternative nominee for payment of Pension Arrear Nomination of share to the pension to whom receipt conferred on the nominee shall pass in the event of the nominee pre-deceasing before receiving of 1st Payment by government servant
(B) Gratuity/Death Gratuity Nomination of Gratuity / Death Gratuity share to the extent for admissible retirement gratuity / death gratuity to the family / non family member (s) by the government sevant in the event of his/her death while in service or before receiving payment of gratuity.
Alternative nominee (s) for gratuity / death gratuity – Nomination of share to the person (s), to whom right conferred on the nominee shall pass in the event of the nominee pre-deceasing the government servant or the nominee dying after the death of the government servant but before receiving payment of gratuity.

Sr.No. Name of family member Date Of Birth Sex Relation Married Handicap Gratuity Arrear Alternate Nominee Share Address Action
{{$index+1}} {{x.E_Title}} {{x.Eng_Name}}
{{x.ShwGender}} {{x.ShowRelation}} {{getMarital(x.Marital)}} {{x.ShwHandicap}} {{x.GNomineeShare}} {{x.CNomineeShare}} {{x.NAddress}}
Sr.No. Kind of Advance Amount sanctioned Amount Paid Due Amount Action
{{$index+1}} {{getFullName(x.LoanName)}} {{x.SanctionAmt}} {{x.RecoveryAmt}} {{x.NetPayAmt}}

Employee 's Current Address

House No *
Address *
Pin Code *
District *
State *

Permanent Address

Mobile *
Office Id
Department *
Address *
District *
State *
Pin Code *
Phone No

Bank Details

Treasury Name *
Sub Treasury *
District *
Bank Name *
Branch Name *
Account Number *

Witness 1

Name *
Address *
District *
State *
Witness Mobile No *

Witness 2

Help Document to be uploaded by employee

  • *
  • *
  • *
  • If Unmarried, Or Spouse is not Alive
  • *
  • *
  • *

Document :